Aperitif Coming Son of Perdition - Watchman Institute Biblical Research
Get the free e-book Aperitif Coming Son of Perdition; that comes with this post! Aperitif Coming #SonofPerdition can take you by surprise. Today all around the world #lawlessness, #persecution of #Christians and other groups are increasing. All while the #globalists push a #one #world# government. Even in #America the woke crowd and statue removers are in full swing all the while blaming the white race. Not everyone is on board with this. In fact, the #globalists and #socialists are not having an easy time of it. One this is for sure lawlessness is rising faster than ever before. Here we find the Aperitif. The Aperitif, an alcoholic drink taken before dinner to stimulate the appetite. So it is, the nations aperitif has and is being drunk. While the #nationsofmen believe they are #Gods and in charge, the opposite is true. There is another hand which rules, judges, delivers, saves, and will hold all nations and peoples accountable.
Dana Glenn Smith